Thursday, August 30, 2012

DIY Bird bookmark


Book Igloo Held Together By Natural Forces And Knowledge

Home by Miler Lagos1 Book Igloo Held Together By Natural Forces And KnowledgeColombian artist Miler Lagos has been exhibiting since 2002, creating original works like this igloo-resembling installation made of volumes salvaged from the library of a US Navy base. Encompassing knowledge and mind adventure while the body remains under a comfortable, predator-free structure, this installation entitled “Home” was constructed at the MagnanMetz Gallery last year. The artist imagined a 9 foot igloo made of books that would rise without being forced to remain together by any kind of glue, but naturally relying on each other to shape the desired structure. Pages face outwards to shape a color-white-color dynamic, while the spines showing titles of the salvaged books face inward. Missing almost half of the structure, the dome-like book stack substitutes bricks for books, showing a work in progress captured in a moment of time. This compact display found on This is Colossal inspires the thirst for knowledge and the self-made chance to apply that found knowledge.
Home by Miler Lagos2 Book Igloo Held Together By Natural Forces And KnowledgeHome by Miler Lagos3 Book Igloo Held Together By Natural Forces And KnowledgeHome by Miler Lagos4 Book Igloo Held Together By Natural Forces And KnowledgeHome by Miler Lagos5 Book Igloo Held Together By Natural Forces And Knowledge


20 Insanely Creative Bookshelves

If you're tired of simply stacking your books along your windowsill, maybe it's time to take a more creative approach. Here are some bookcases that might just be more exciting than the books themselves!
  • 1. The Ring Shelf

             2. Mario Shelf
           3. Tree Branch Shelf
           4. Map Of The USA Shelf
           5. Letters Shelf
            6. Tree Shelf
              7. Pac Man Shelf
            8. Nest Shelf
           9. READ
10. Hanging Binders
 11. Table-Inset Shelf

  • 12. Yin-Yang

  • 13. Shelf With A Reading Nook

  • 14. Chair Shelf

  • 15. Reading Pod Shelf

  • 16. Bed Shelf

  • 17. Upside-Down Shelf

  • 18. Falling Books Shelf

  • 19. Another Tree Shelf

  • 20. Geometric Shelf

Newly-discovered owl makes the ultimate “mwhaha!” face

A new species of owl, called Ninox Spilocephala, is one of several new owl species found on the Philippine island of Mindanao.

Arctic summer sea ice might thaw by 2015 - or linger for decades

The ice is shrinking faster than we expected.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Especially Bookstores

More Book Art

Craftswoman Rachel Ashe makes art by altering old books—she cuts, folds, paints, and glues objects onto the pages. You can view more of her work at Flickr.